Diversity is the key for digital marketing success in 2017
What means an effective digital marketing? 2017 is characterized by the diversity and how wide is its efforts’ purpose.
For a successful digital marketing you need a diverse approach.
It’s easy to stay confortable with a marketing strategy and to invest al money and energy in it. For example, many companies are noticing spectacular results in social media and then they decide to spend all their money in there, by creating advanced pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Although, the success can be found in a more diversified approach.
Diversifying the digital marketing
Let’s take as example Tom Hess. He is a guitar teacher, but he managed to revolutionize the world and is currently having a real success after many years of work, being capable to build a digital presence and his own online brand. Guitar teaching is still the main component of what he does, but lately, he mainly focused on helping humans to become guitar teachers themselves, not to only play guitar.
This way, Hess managed to see many of his students becoming guitar teachers. Hess explains that “the majority of successful guitar teachers are trying to attract many students by different ways and strategies, but they do never become “addicted” of a single business growing method in this field.”
4 things to have in mind
1. SEO and PPC integrated campaigns
One of the biggest mistakes people do in digital marketing is that they frequently isolate SEO campaigns by PPC campaigns. They treat them separately and they do not create any interrelation between them.
2. Use your blog for teasing in social media
Most of the companies are using social media to grow up the visibility of their marketing content. They will share their blog posts for bringing up relevant content. But have you ever thought from the opposite perspective? You should use the blog for teasing your social profiles and to obtain commitment from that direction. Let your blog’s visitors to find out what’s happening in social media and encourage them to take a look.
3. Change the content format
If you didn’t observe yet, there are many other methods you can use to create content despite the “blog posting” traditional method. There are infographics, videos (live streaming and recorded), webinars, e-books, memes, interactive tools, guides and many others.
4. Measure the results
There are marketing people willing to diverse the marketing strategies, but few of them are indeed creating systems of measuring, to be able to demonstrate soothing is working or not. It is mandatory a results’ measuring system, in order to be capable to know what’s happening with our investments and which direction should your further invest.
There are plenty benefits associated with the digital marketing diversity. It helps, obviously, to impacting a higher audience and it drives more traffic to your website landing page. Otherwise, it is added the benefit of eliminating the outcomes’ fluctuation, of preparing your business for further changes and of positioning your brand to the top, when situations of market trend changes occur.
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